
Students wearing life vests stand at the edge of a test tank

的 student team designed, 在主要研究波浪槽中建造并测试了他们获奖的主要研究海岸波浪动力反渗透系统的1:8比例模型.

一个从海洋中产生淡水的系统——由海洋提供动力——推动了一个由主要研究学生组成的跨学科团队在国家海洋能源大学竞赛(作为国内)中获得第三名 U.S. 能源部National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 的 team of nine engineering and business students, advised by professor of mechanical and ocean engineering 马丁Wosnik and professor of civil and environmental engineering 艾琳·贝尔, competed among 17 teams from across the nation.

作为国内 呼吁由本科生和研究生组成的多学科团队提出海洋能源的新想法,以捕获海洋的力量. 海洋能源有潜力为偏远和岛屿社区提供清洁能源 蓝色经济 应用,如海洋观测技术或海水淡化系统.

Group of students faces camera, standing in ocean engineering lab
一个跨学科的学生团队创造了主要研究海岸波浪动力反渗透系统, which won third place in a national competition.

Joseph Camobreco ' 22(机械工程)和Tori Sweet ' 22(环境工程)共同领导了这个团队. Additional members were Sam Williams ’22 (environmental engineering), Alexander Charest ’22 (mechanical engineering), Andrew LePage ’22 (ocean engineering), Devan Sack ’22 (civil engineering), Meaghan Wiggin ’22 (civil engineering), 切尔西·金博尔18岁, ’23G (mechanical engineering) and Brendan Reagan ’24 (business).

“学生们在跨学科联系方面做得很好,并提出了创新的解决方案, 现实问题,贝尔说。. “的y had a lot of enthusiasm; we just pointed them in the right direction and let them go.”

“学生们在跨学科联系方面做得很好,并提出了创新的解决方案, 现实问题.”

他们的获奖项目, the 主要研究 Coastal Wave-Powered Reverse Osmosis System, 旨在为能源或淡水资源有限的偏远岛屿和沿海社区生产淡水. 的便宜的, 易于安装的设计利用海浪的力量驱动液压活塞,使水加压,并通过反渗透膜过滤.

该团队撰写了一份30页的技术经济报告,并提交给由海洋能源行业专业人士组成的专家评审小组. 比赛还包括海报展示环节和社交活动. 的 students analyzed market feasibility, outlined a research and product development plan, assessed risk — environmental, 技术和社会-并对他们的产品进行了详细的财务分析.

Shoals Marine Laboratory on Appledore Island served as a local case study for the feasibility of the project; other communities that could benefit include the Marshall Islands, Mauritius and other islands in the Gulf of Maine.

“作为国内是学生获得海洋能源实际经验的好机会,沃斯尼克说, who also leads the new 能源部-funded Atlantic Marine Energy Center. “作为国内的组织者在将学生与行业专家联系起来,并提供相关的研讨会和教育体验方面做得很好.”